Monday, November 8, 2010


I woke up early on a Wednesday Monring feeling excited because I was going on a trip to Dunedin.
“Mum what number is our seat “as I ask my mum in an excited voice. Next to me was my mum and my Nana next to the window. In front of us were these Asian people that were told to turn there phone off but they didn’t listen. once we laned i got a fright because i didn’t know we have already laned. walking out of the plane there i saw most of my family waiting outside for us. First we stop at my aunty house before we went to the Marae for a sleep. The next day we went for a ride around Dunedin. The resson why i went to Dunedin is because my aunty wanted me o dance at her birthday. I got one hundred and thrity dollars from dancing,then i ended up get another $50 from my cousin. Before i leave Dunedin my other aunty gave me one hundred and twenty. It was time to leave Dunedin and all my family were crying because they miss all the family from Auckland that went to celerated my Aunty birthday. Next time i go to Dunedin I’m gonna go to the cabury factory and get some more chocolate. Dunedin is the best place to go
for an Holiday.

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